

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Laurelhurst Park Run

Laurelhurst Park path
Laurelhurst Park is easily one of the nicest parks we've run in. Mature evergreens, quiet Firwood Lake, blooming flowers and a variety of trails make the park an ideal running spot. Our route to and from Laurelhurst runs along Clinton, Division and the Hawthorne neighborhoods, each providing a unique take on the multifaceted, independent spirit of Southeast Portland.

Here's the Run-O-Meter of our Laurelhurst Park Run:

Rating scale is 1-5: 

1 = the worst;  5 = the best

It might be rainy, windy and cold, but a good running route can always bring happiness.

5 - It's a rare loop route; covers multiple neighborhoods, great variety, positive vibes throughout, people always seem happy

Mature trees, flowers, green grass, views of the Willamette River and the West Hills are all welcome sights.

5 - The combo of Laurelhurst Park, eccentrics on Hawthorne, bike brigades on Clinton and one of the best views eva of the West Hills on Harrison makes for a delicious treat of a run. 

View of the West Hills from Harrison
Traffic, intersections, sidewalk and road conditions tell us a lot about a neighborhood and can turn any run into a zen moment or a terrifying trial.

3 - Clinton and Laurelhurst are quiet, but Division and SE 37th between Hawthorne and Belmont pose many obstacles - beware of cars, car doors, bikes, scuttling children, packs of people, jagged sidewalks and tourists. 

Charging up hills every mile is hard, thus it will be judged.

2 - A steady incline through the first mile and ups and downs through Laurelhurst park.  Beware - the paved paths at Laurelhurst are very slippery when wet.  It's a thrill to run down Harrison on the home stretch to Ladd's Addition.  Open your arms and take in the city.

One of the most beautiful intersections in Portland
Sound and smell
Loud sounds, quiet sounds, good smells, bad smells. A neighborhood defines itself by appealing to the senses.

4 -  Sounds: Ice cream trucks, accordions, ducks, shrieking children, barking dogs, wind through the trees; Smells: depends on time of the year - from fragrant trees and flowers, to eggs, bacon and coffee to people who don't bathe for political reasons.

Hellos and waves
Because Midwest-nice is important to us.

2 - People notice us and usually make way for our passing, but rarely say hello.  

Number of puppies
Once we get a house, we're getting a puppy...and of course our puppy will need friends.

5 - We've saw 19 puppies on an early spring run.  Who let the dogs out?

People watching
Who lives in the neighborhood?

5- We've seen every type of person you can imagine on this run.  Literally.  It makes us feel boring.

We're keeping an eye out for picnic spots, puppy playgrounds, budding trees and only-in-Portland spectacles.

5 - Nothing beats Firwood Lake, the Douglas Firs, the Cedars, rose trees and secret path in Laurelhurst Park.  We've seen just about everything here - jugglers, sword fights, professional tree climbers, birthday parties, picnics, frisbees and film crews.

A serene view of Firwood Lake 
Shops and restaurants
Coffeeness and quirkiness are appreciated.

5 - Plenty of indie coffee shops, a branch of Powells Bookstore and our favorite crepe and cupcake place all fall along this route. 

Home potential
Can we see ourselves living in this neighborhood?

1 - If we find a home with a cracked foundation, a poltergeist or if we had a $100,000 more in the bank.  A distant, dream neighborhood.

Our Laurelhurst Park run route


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We love Portland and we love to run. We're ready to buy our first home in Portland, but with a housing market plagued by historically low inventories and insane bidding wars, Portland isn't quite ready for us. We may be many miles from a home, but we're going to keep running until we find our first place.